It's Spelled D-A-I-N-A

A Case for Veganism and Other Important-to-Me Things

My Bike May 30, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — My Vegan (and other) Apologetics @ 22:15

I love my bike.  And I don’t ride it enough.  But I recently rode my bike to get groceries.  I have a little basket on the front and the store isn’t that far away.  It was fun.  And it was a great way to get exercise in my life instead of stepping out of life and into a gym for an hour (that is how I feel about gyms….life sucking places I don’t like even though I do use one regularly.)  On my bike ride, while the euphoric high was making me optimistic, I came up with the plan to do an experiment.  I was thinking I would ride my bike to get any groceries I want for a month.  I thought this would lead to only buying the essentials, no junk.  Also it would lead to more exercise.

But……… I have now decided it would just lead to more eating out and more eating weird bits and pieces of things that I have had in my cupboards for a long time.  I know myself and I wouldn’t stick to it for a month, so I am not promising anything to my blog.  But I did enjoy my ride and I will try to ride my bike to get groceries more often.

Another bike ride I have done a few times is down the Scottsdale greenbelt to the Tempe waterfront and Mill Street area.  That is a fun ride!  And today I think I got myself invited into a biking club with some friends at church!  Can’t wait!

Of course I could take biking too far…. (this segway is a stretch but humor me because I want to show you the picture I took on the freeway)

Poor dog.  Looks terrified or at least uncomfortable.  Yes that is a leash holding him on.

I hope to move to a more tightly packed city and bike more.  SF is calling to me!  So biking is great.  That is all.


2 Responses to “My Bike”

  1. Ben Says:

    Daina I need commitment! If I can eat a pound of carrots for a month, you can ride your bike to the store! I wanna know the results.

    I think the dog is looking the other way, hard to tell if it looks terrified. Maybe he’s having a blast.

  2. Daina Says:

    He was terrified Ben! He was. And I am not very good at long term goals. This is why I am afraid to try HCG…. can’t commit to the 500 calories for 3 weeks! Anyhow….. I will do the bike thing sometime when I have more time. I need to make adjustments in my work schedule. Everything will be better when I work 12s instead of 8s. Everything. The grass is always greener…

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